Reading makes you smarter

Gandhi bookstores ( are one of the most recognised and remembered brands in Mexico due to the creativity used in its advertising campaigns. The texts and messages of the famous campaign called "Keep Reading" have been seen around the country by 128 million people through different media such as billboards, digital billboards, radio, TVCs, social media, activations, and experimental.

This print campaign was created by different Art Directors worldwide, giving each piece a unique graphic identity but without neglecting our creative concept and message.

The prints feature three different stories from our classic children's books: Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, and Little Goldilocks. If you look closely, you will realize that our protagonists or antagonists have taken advantage within the stories by reading their own stories and thus anticipating their opponents. Therefore they manage to change the ending and live happily ever after. In this way, we want to communicate to everyone who sees our campaign that reading makes you smarter.

Gandhi bookstores. Keep reading.

Award-winning campaign at Mexican Creative Circle.


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